Geoff Krasnov offers apparel/clothing/garment manufacturing and sourcing news.

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

A Few More Bits on the CPSIA

It was brought to my attention that a class action suit is being filed against the CPSIA. The website to view the activities is . You will note that the counsel needs a retainer, so the more people that sign up the lower the cost per individual/company. Personally, I have recently contacted my states Secretary of Commerce, who happens to come from the apparel supply chain, and I encourage each and every one of you to contact your state representatives and let them know how blatantly unfair this law is to the childrens apparel manufacturers, crafters and retailers. We should be pushing for a delayed enforcement date and for clarification as to the frequency and quantification of testing criteria. It only makes sense that if downstream certification from all suppliers is obtained that an apparel item would be certifiable.

Another recently released article ( ) states that testing costs per garment would run in the $600+ range, and that the ruling clearly specifies each garment be tested. Clearly, this is untenable, and I do not read the act in that manner. Unfortunately, there is no clarity whatsoever on the rigors of sample size or frequency.


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